

We can be transparent because Christ does not cast us out when we talk about our sins.

We should deal with wolves in the church differently than someone who is struggling with sin. An abuser that preys on people must be confronted. The authorities need to be involved, there needs to be church discipline, and these women need to be cared for and brought into safety.

Sam Allberry, Rebecca McLaughlin, and Jackie Hill Perry participated in a panel discussion during TGCW21 titled “Sexual Identity and Loving Our Neighbor.”

"We cannot summarize who God is in his essence. We are finite creatures and God is infinite. Instead, we use the language that God has given to us because God is the one who gets to reveal himself to us."

Paul is talking about the order between God’s relationship with the church and our relationship in marriage. His comments are rooted in the Roman and Greek context of Corinth.

We want to be sensitive to the fact that gender dysphoria is a real condition. But in terms of the way in which we talk about these things, we have to stick to what we have in Scripture.

What people mean by “deconstruction” is that they are calling into question and even rejecting many of the doctrines they were brought up with. And a lot of young people are shaped more by media, social media, and the broader culture than they are by the gospel.

How do we speak to a world that has diametrically different views on sexuality than we do as Christians? Sam Allberry joins me to discuss sexual ethics as well as his book Why does God care who I sleep with?

Sam Allberry, Pastor in St Mary’s Church, Maidenhead, UK since 2008, has written a provocative book that addresses these questions in a biblical, thoughtful, and pastoral way. He visited campus recently to talk with our students about these issues.