Where to Begin When You Question Everything

A site like this will attract different types of visitors. Some arrive by accident, looking for various search terms. Others read with suspicion regarding our intent. Are we feminists? Egalitarians? Just what are we doing here? Still others arrive deeply wounded. Sometimes the wounding comes over the course of life, sometimes it is rooted in legalistic, perhaps even abusive teachings. It is primarily for this last group that this site was built. It is meant as a resource for those who are disillusioned and question everything they believe. It’s meant to help them regain their balance on the solid ground of the Gospel.

When You Question Everything

Begin at the beginning: begin with the the character of God. Sinclair Ferguson has an excellent series on the character and the attributes of God. Reformed confessions and the historic creeds also provide hefty ballast.

We don’t need to start from scratch when interpreting the Bible. The church has well defined, well defended, and well established doctrine that has been established over the many centuries since Christ’s resurrection and ascension. We need to know and understand these truths and avoid at all costs becoming opponents of God’s church—heretics who hold strange teachings disconnected from Scripture. Of course, no one ever plans to become a heretic, but it still happens.

How Not to Be a Heretic

The current trend toward deconstruction is alarming. Many who grew up under fundamentalist doctrines realize the hopelessness of the doctrines that promised them happiness. This is one of the most compelling reasons we’ve begun this site.

The Gospel for Those Who Have Been Hurt by the Church

It has been said that “church hurt” is one of the deepest pains of all. Scripture warns against false teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and their effects upon the church. The fact that Scripture describes them as hidden (Jude 12), false believers (Galatians 2:4, Acts 15:24), and deceitful (Ephesians 4:14; 2 Corinthians 11:13) ought to be enough to humble all of us.

And yet sometimes it is believers who sinfully wound the God’s people (Acts 15). God can and often does reunite broken fellowship (Philemon 1:24; 2 Timothy 4:11). It’s the interval that can cause grief and disillusion. If this is where you are right now, we’ve put together some resources for those who have been hurt by the church. We’re praying for you.