
Book Review

“Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez wrote her recent book, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, to answer the question of how Donald Trump became a hero to the Religious Right. As Du Mez asks in her introduction: ‘How could “family values” conservatives support a man who flouted […]

“Rachel Held Evans had at least two stated goals for writing A Year of Biblical Womanhood, according to the promotional material accompanying my advance review copy… Evans wants to show that everyone who tries to follow biblical norms does so selectively—“cherry picking” some parts and passing over others. She also says she wants to open […]

“There have been a couple of really good blog posts recently about the need to be discerning in what we read. Good reviews, impressive recommendations, even the stellar reputation of the authors shouldn’t be all that we rely on in deciding the worth of a book. Scripture tells us to be careful about the messages […]

Continuing some research I’ve been doing, I recently read a new book, The Grand Design: Male and Female He Made Them, by Owen Strachan and Gavin Peacock. I didn’t read the book intending to review it. However, given the recent debate over the Trinity, I decided it was a good example of why this debate […]

“Shortly after Shepherding a Child’s Heart (SCH) came out, quite a few people highly recommended it. I bought it, read it, and then also promoted this “must read.” That was back when my views on rearing children tended to be in sync with what is considered the traditional Christian model for parenting. So, Tripp’s book […]

“In Shepherding a Child’s Heart (SCH), one of the things Dr. Tedd Tripp strongly emphasizes is the authority of the parents. That’s not problematic. The problem in my opinion, is that there is an unhealthy, unbiblical, and unbalanced emphasis on authority and obedience. Apparently, this is because he believes most parents, including Christian parents, do […]

“On Easter, rapper Andy Mineo tweeted a thoughtful thread capturing a significant mood in the American Church. In the thread, he noted: I feel myself & many others are in a spiritual ‘Saturday’-the day after Jesus died & the day before he rose. The in-between. Still saddened by the loss of what they thought Jesus […]