
Justin Holcomb

“If you are experiencing physical, sexual, emotional, and/or verbal abuse from a partner, spouse, family member, etc., you can create a personalized safety plan. A personalized safety plan will help you know what to do if/when you decide to leave or find yourself (and children) in an emergency. You can create this safety plan even […]

Most abusers are parents, siblings, intimate partners, or acquaintances and they now have much more access to victims.

“Child sexual abuse is more prevalent than most people think and the offenders are usually people parents and the children know, not strangers. The good news is that parents are not helpless. As a matter of fact, incorporating parents into prevention efforts makes child safety training most effective…”

Dear survivors of abuse, what happened to you was not your fault. You are not to blame. You did not deserve it. You did not ask for this. You should not be silenced. You are not worthless. You do not have to pretend like nothing happened. Nobody had the right to violate you. You are not responsible for what happened to you...