“In my previous post, I showed how the Hebrew of Malachi 2:16 has only one possible ranslation that takes into account the grammar and pronunciation of the Hebrew words: ‘”Because he hates, send away,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “and violence covers his garment.”’The question now is how that translation fits with the […]
“I have an incessantly curious nature when it comes to God’s word. Why are there so many different translations? Why are there so many interpretations? Why, if God hates divorce, does God divorce his people Israel? Why does God permit divorce in Deuteronomy 24:1-4? God never permits that which he hates. What does it mean?”
“ What this verse means is this: God designed sex to be mutual, exclusive, egalitarian – the joining of two into one flesh. Two bodies, male and female, exploring, joining, touching, giving pleasure, receiving pleasure. Neither is “in charge” in the bedroom, for both have “authority” over the body of the other. They truly become […]
“When asked for the secret of a happy marriage, the answer is the same as the secret to a blessed and happy life. ‘Take up your cross, and follow Jesus.’ I would add that the responsibility to put to death our old nature belongs to every Christian, as MacLeod so admirably teaches. But it is […]
“The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deu 29:29 KJV) Making decisions is a daunting process. There is much that goes into a decision, especially one that will […]
“I have a beautiful muscat grape vine. Last week I pruned it. Then I felt bad, since Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Maybe in my pruning the vine I misrepresented the permanence of the Covenant of grace. Jesus will never cut us off, will he? Last night, before I went to […]
“‘Marriage is not a contract; it’s a covenant.’ Maybe you’ve heard that. It’s catchy. Someone says it at a big conference, everyone nods. They go back to their churches and repeat it. Everyone nods. And so it goes viral. But does it actually mean anything? I’ve heard it explained that covenants are unconditional, but contracts […]
“This horrible meme has been floating around – about how a husband needs sex, sandwiches and submission. I don’t want to link it because I don’t want to give the godless people who support it any more support, even by a click. But it got me thinking about this false idea promoted by patriarchialists of […]
“Today I am preparing for a Bible Study on the sixth commandment. I am looking at our Heidelberg Catechism, question 105: 105. What does God require in the sixth commandment? That I do not revile, hate, insult or kill my neighbor either in thought, word, or gesture, much less in deed, whether by myself or […]