

One of the key principles from Scripture that they are addressing is that of submission. Christians wives, dutiful church members, and even godly elders can have a false understanding of this biblical concept and, as a result, a harmful environment is created. Perhaps a brief case study of what submission is not from a key […]

In love, we approach fiction with fact. Here are eight myths about abortion in America—and how to answer them with evidence.

“It could hardly be clearer,” Bauckham concludes, “that the Gospels are appealing to their role as eyewitnesses.”

Remember, these words were written and adopted in the mid-seventeenth century—200 years before the United States would go to war over the question of slavery. From the outset, the Westminster Standards were theologically sufficient to quash slavery.

Perhaps most glaringly, there is no curse of Ham in Genesis 9 or anywhere else in the Bible. Canaan, not Ham, was cursed by Noah. This means that the “biblical” doctrine used to justify the enslavement of dark-skinned peoples is completely fabricated and has no exegetical warrant.

The Great Replacement theory is the latest version of a century-old white genocide conspiracy theory. At the root of the theory is the claim that “elites”—especially Jews—are deliberately plotting to reduce or eliminate white people in the United States and Europe. The claim is that this is being done primarily by promoting interracial marriage and immigration of non-white populations, who are assumed to have higher fertility rates than whites.

A man targeting his current or former partner at church is also one of the most common forms of church shootings.

We don’t need to start from scratch when interpreting the Bible. The church has well defined, well defended, and well established doctrine that has been established over the many centuries since Christ’s resurrection and ascension. We need to know and understand these truths and avoid at all costs becoming opponents of God’s church—heretics who hold […]