
The Gospel Coalition

Sam Allberry, Rebecca McLaughlin, and Jackie Hill Perry participated in a panel discussion during TGCW21 titled “Sexual Identity and Loving Our Neighbor.”

Jesus is saying the same kind of thing to everyone. When we rightly understand what he teaches about sexual ethics and about marriage, it is deeply humbling for every one of us.

The unity of the human race is therefore made in Scripture not merely the basis of a demand that we shall recognize the dignity of humanity in all its representatives, of however lowly estate or family, since all bear alike the image of God in which man was created and the image of God is deeper than sin and cannot be eradicated by sin; but the basis also of the entire scheme of restoration devised by the divine love for the salvation of a lost race.

The giant of Old Princeton, B. B. Warfield, outspokenly condemned the racism and rigid segregation of American society of his day. His views were remarkably ahead of his time with regard to an understanding of the evil of racism and even somewhat prophetic with regard to the further evil that would result from it. His convictions were explicitly grounded in an understanding and faithful application of the unity of the human race in Adam and the unity and equal standing of believers in Christ. This brief essay surveys Warfield’s arguments within the context of his day.

In this episode of As In Heaven, Jim Davis and Justin Holcomb welcome back Ligon Duncan for the second of a two-part discussion of the history of black people in America. In the last episode, Duncan began with the onset of chattel slavery in 1619 up to the Civil War.

Mike Kruger delivered a message at TGC’s 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Can I Lose My Faith? Understanding Apostasy.” Susan Pevensie, of Chronicles of Narnia fame, serves as the jumping off point of the message, having been so central to the beginning of Lewis’s storyline, yet so glaringly absent from its conclusion. As her brother Peter […]

[Includes transcript] Brett McCracken hosted a panel discussion at TGC’s 2021 Women’s Conference with Alisa Childers, Preston Perry, and Trevin Wax titled “Before You Lose Your Faith: Deconstructing Doubt in the Church,” addressing the topic of healthy deconstruction as discussed in the new book by the same name. The panel addressed multiple questions—from what healthy […]

“Ministry by women and among women in the body of Christ happens on many levels–with various forms of leadership and activities. What makes for rich and profitable ministry among women in the body of Christ? How can churches and pastors strongly encourage such ministry? How can we be raising up women who know and speak […]

“First, I’ve had a prolonged interest in the subject of Christian anthropology, a theological discipline that looks at the nature of man from the perspective of Scripture and Christian theology. I’m convinced that the greatest present challenge to Christianity in the West is the assault on the imago dei, the truth that all people are […]