

Many Christians struggle with a crucial question: Does Jesus truly sympathize with us? We know from Scripture that He is our great High Priest, but what does that actually mean? Does He feel our pain? Does He grieve with us in our suffering? Theocast hosts Justin Perdue and Jon Moffitt explore the compassionate heart of […]

Do Your Feelings Matter? Emotions, Assurance, and the Christian Life Many believers struggle with an important question: Do my emotions matter to God? In a faith built on objective truth, how should we process feelings like doubt, fear, or joy? If we can’t trust our emotions for assurance, does that mean they are irrelevant or […]

Can a genuine Christian have assurance while struggling with sexual sin? Jimmy explores Romans 7, emphasizing that assurance is not based on our ability to overcome sin, but on Christ’s victory over it.

Jon and Justin continue a lengthy conversation about men and women–and how we relate to one another in the home and in the church. There has been a lot of cultural baggage that has influenced the church through history on these matters. There has been a lot of pain caused and damage done. This conversation […]

Jon and Justin begin a lengthy conversation about men and women–and how we relate to one another in the home and in the church. There has been a lot of cultural baggage that has influenced the church through history on these matters. There has been a lot of pain caused and damage done. This conversation […]

It sounds a little crazy to say that the gospel terrifies Christians. But it clearly does. Christians are prone to qualify the grace of God in Christ. Christians are prone to hedge on justification by faith alone. At times, Christians can even be unsettled by the preaching of Christ from all of Scripture. Why are […]

What is pietism? What is the difference in piety and pietism? How does pietism affect us? Is there something better? If you find yourself struggling in the Christian life, is there something wrong with you? The guys these questions and more.