Guy Waters talks about the New Perspectives on Paul and the Federal Vision movement.
The major point of deviation from biblical Calvinism comes when considering who shares in this vital, living union with Christ, with the four suggesting that all the baptized, head for head, regardless of their personal faith, share in this vital union. It isn’t until you realize unto whom they think this union applies that their use of terms such as ‘real’ and ‘vital’ show their colors.
“The issue of women’s ordination, and more generally women’s involvement in the church, is a modern issue which continues to generate numerous books, articles, and even supporting societies. The worst thing we in Reformed communions can do is ignore the issue simply because we do not ordain women to the special office ministries. There are […]
“Office Hours continues with the new series entitled, “New Life in the Shadow of Christ,” by talking with Dr. Michael Horton, Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, about the lordship salvation controversy back in the 80s.”
Some of the most glaring distortions of Calvin’s ministry and doctrine are related to his understanding of the law. First, there is the question of the law and society: Was Calvin an ayatollah, dedicated to making Geneva a revived theocracy? Second, did Calvin embrace or depart from Luther with respect to the relation of law […]