The Scriptures state not that part of the human is created in the image of God [image bearer] but that men and women are created in the image of God. Thus, the image exists in the totality of their creaturehood. So if we think of the image in its widest extent, it embraces the soul and the body, the gifts possessed, the dignity given, and the endowment of lordship over the earth. Of course, God, as infinite spirit, does not have a body, but we must reverently say that even the body of the human creature is part of God’s image. However much it shares characteristics with lesser creatures, the human body is specially fitted to reflect likeness to God on a creaturely, earthly level. The material is not evil; hence, we believe not merely in the enduring existence of the soul but also in the resurrection of the body. Thus, we are called to honor God with our bodies (1 Cor. 6:20), to use them as instruments of righteousness (Rom. 6:13).