Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church

As I said, three great books on abuse in the church have released this fall. Diane Langberg’s Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church is now completing my set of reviews. Dr. Langberg is an expert in this field, as she is an internationally recognized psychologist who has counseled many who have suffered abuse of power. This book concentrates on the dynamics of power, broken down into three parts: Power Defined, Power Abused, and Power Redeemed. What I think I like most about Langberg’s book is her emphasis on personhood. So, when breaking down the different types of power, she begins with our personhood, saying, “to be human is to have a voice…Abuse of power silences that self and the words, feelings, thoughts, and choices of the victim.” And, “to be human is to be in relationship…Abusive power violates and shatters relationship.” And, “Third, to be human is to have power and shape the world…Abuse quashes and removes power.”

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