Complementarianism’s Existentialism Feeds Gender Confusion

“We are all existentialists now. As a society, owing to luxuries like free time and access to lots of food (luxuries denied the vast majority of humanity throughout history), we are freed up to engage in navel-gazingly wondering what makes us a man or a woman. For some reason, conservative white Christians in this country spend an inordinate amount of doing just that: reading books about true masculinity and true femininity, attending conferences dedicated to the topic, and arguing incessantly about the virtue of our preferred parameters for what is masculine and what is feminine. The guardians of true masculinity and femininity even have a name – complementarians. By engaging and, hence, legitimizing navel-gazing gender questions, though, complementarianism has, I’m afraid, unwittingly provided some of the epistemological and rhetorical foundation for transgenderism.”